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Platelet-Rich Plasma "PRP"

PRP is the “liquid gold” derived from a small amount of drawn blood that is spun in a centrifuge and then used during treatments. It can be used for several treatments which include, improving fine lines and wrinkles, sun damaged skin, texture and scarring when topically placed and/or injected underneath the skin. PRP can also be used for hair restoration! Our favorite combo at Sopra...adding PRP to your microneedling treatment!


How much does it cost?

PRP: $550/treatment 

PRP with Microneedling: $600/treatment

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with PRP is a popular treatment combo at Sopra — it supercharges the benefits of microneedling and evens out skin tone and texture, reduces pigmentation and minimizes visible signs of aging. When paired together, microneedling and PRP encourage the skin to repair and renew itself. (Pretty amazing that these healing properties come directly from our own blood!)

This is a safe and effective treatment for all skin types and one of the best ways to restore and revive aging skin. With minimal downtime, microneedling and PRP (with or without the addition of PRP injections) can be administered every four to six weeks.

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